Wellcome To Programming With Coding.Have You Any Querie? Let Us To Know.

What is the easiest and best way to learn Python?

 Tip #1: Code Everyday

Consistency is very important when you are learning a new language. We recommend making a commitment to code every day. It may be hard to believe, but muscle memory plays a large part in programming. Committing to coding everyday will really help develop that muscle memory. Though it may seem daunting at first, consider starting small with 25 minutes everyday and working your way up from there.

Tip #2: Write It Out

As you progress on your journey as a new programmer, you may wonder if you should be taking notes. Yes, you should! In fact, research suggests that taking notes by hand is most beneficial for long-term retention. This will be especially beneficial for those working towards the goal of becoming a full-time developer, as many interviews will involve writing code on a whiteboard.

Once you start working on small projects and programs, writing by hand can also help you plan your code before you move to the computer. You can save a lot of time if you write out which functions and classes you will need, as well as how they will interact.

Tip #3: Go Interactive!

Whether you are learning about basic Python data structures (strings, lists, dictionaries, etc.) for the first time, or you are debugging an application, the interactive Python shell will be one of your best learning tools. We use it a lot on this site too!

Tip #4: Take Breaks

Breaks are especially important when you are debugging. If you hit a bug and can’t quite figure out what is going wrong, take a break. Step away from your computer, go for a walk, or chat with a friend.

In programming, your code must follow the rules of a language and logic exactly, so even missing a quotation mark will break everything. Fresh eyes make a big difference.

Tip #5: Become a Bug Bounty Hunter

Speaking of hitting a bug, it is inevitable once you start writing complex programs that you will run into bugs in your code. It happens to all of us! Don’t let bugs frustrate you. Instead, embrace these moments with pride and think of yourself as a bug bounty hunter.

When debugging, it is important to have a methodological approach to help you find where things are breaking down. Going through your code in the order in which it is executed and making sure each part works is a great way to do this.

Make It Collaborative

Once things start to stick, expedite your learning through collaboration. Here are some strategies to help you get the most out of working with others.

Tip #6: Surround Yourself With Others Who Are Learning

Though coding may seem like a solitary activity, it actually works best when you work together. It is extremely important when you are learning to code in Python that you surround yourself with other people who are learning as well. This will allow you to share the tips and tricks you learn along the way.

Tip #7: Pair Program

Pair programming has many benefits: it gives you a chance to not only have someone review your code, but also see how someone else might be thinking about a problem. Being exposed to multiple ideas and ways of thinking will help you in problem solving when you got back to coding on your own.

Tip #8: Ask “GOOD” Questions

People always say there is no such thing as a bad question, but when it comes to programming, it is possible to ask a question badly. When you are asking for help from someone who has little or no context on the problem you are trying to solve, its best to ask GOOD questions by following this acronym:

  • G: Give context on what you are trying to do, clearly describing the problem.
  • O: Outline the things you have already tried to fix the issue.
  • O: Offer your best guess as to what the problem might be. This helps the person who is helping you to not only know what you are thinking, but also know that you have done some thinking on your own.
  • D: Demo what is happening. Include the code, a traceback error message, and an explanation of the steps you executed that resulted in the error. This way, the person helping does not have to try to recreate the issue.

Good questions can save a lot of time. Skipping any of these steps can result in back-and-forth conversations that can cause conflict. As a beginner, you want to make sure you ask good questions so that you practice communicating your thought process, and so that people who help you will be happy to continue helping you.

Make Something

Most, if not all, Python developers you speak to will tell you that in order to learn Python, you must learn by doing. Doing exercises can only take you so far: you learn the most by building.

Tip #9: Build Something, Anything

For beginners, there are many small exercises that will really help you become confident with Python, as well as develop the muscle memory that we spoke about above. Once you have a solid grasp on basic data structures (strings, lists, dictionaries, sets), object oriented programming , and writing classes, it’s time to start building!

There are many lists out there with ideas for beginner Python projects. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Number guessing game
  • Simple calculator app
  • Dice roll simulator

Tip #10: Contribute to Open Source

In the open-source model, software source code is available publicly, and anyone can collaborate. There are many Python libraries that are open-source projects and take contributions. Additionally, many companies publish open-source projects. This means you can work with code written and produced by the engineers working in these companies.

Go Forth and Learn!

Now that you have these strategies for learning, you are ready to begin your Python journey! I also offer a beginner’s level python course, which uses interesting examples to help you learn programming and web development.

Good Coding!

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